Manchester Foundation Year | The University

About our group

Hey you guys! We are a creative team composed of 5 people; Engin, Aadil, Martine, Jamie and Salman. We worked together on this site for you guys to see what it feels like to do a foundation year in Computer Science in one of the most competetive universities out there, The University of Manchester. We hope this website was able to give insight on our experiences and the key information you might need to prosper and make the most out of your time here! Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need to, we are always more than happy to help a fellow 'geek' out.

About our sources and references?

Martine Shams

Salman Ashraf

Engin Gedik

Aadil Sarwar

Jamie Li

martine salman engin aadil jamie

Hi, I'm Martine. My hobbies are reading and creative writing, and my dream holiday would be an island in Greece. My favorite area of computer science is quantum computing, because its just such an interesting concept which will revolutionise how computing is done and can potentially lead to incredible innovation in other sciences as well. One fun fact about me is that I was entirely self taught for all my GCSE subjects, because I was homeshooled from Year 7 onwards.

I am currently living in Manchester with my parents and a sister. I have grown up in 3 different countries. I coded at the age of 15 for the first time. I programmed a tiny piece of hardware made of LEDs, called Microbit. I used MakeCode software to input a message based on some letters and sounds. I also programmed a line-follower car using Arduino. Ever since then I have been involved with computers and coding. I decided Computer Science to be career path after I finished my GCSEs.

My hobbies include proscatinating at lethal levels that endanger my entire future. And cooking, god I love sushi. My dream Holiday would be to Thailand or America, to practice Muay Thai or Wrestling in their respective home turfs. My favorite area of CS would be Fin Tech, the potential money there is so appealing for me to retire early and do what I love A cool fact about me is I am 6'4 which happens to be a quarter of my personality :)

Hi, my name is Aadil. I enjoy playing video games and solving puzzles during my free time. My ideal holiday destination would be Tokyo, Japan so I can experience the culture. My favourite part of computer science would be the software development part of it, I enjoy seeing how programs and code come together to produce a finished piece of software which would be used in day-to-day life or to complete tasks in a more efficient way than humans could on their own.

My hobbies are: Climbing and watching football. My dream holiday is going to Japan and tasting all the food. My favourite area of CS is game development because the creativity involved in creating a game seems interesting to me. The reason they call me a madman is I undertook the entire foundation using just my phone and no computer.